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Image by Hans-Peter Gauster

Empowering Small Business to Repay Debt

The Coming Paradigm Shift from Creditor to Debtor in Loan Repayment Solutions



This publication is a legitimate credit awareness and resolution tool for you – the small business owner and his associates. is an association, and offers credit related information and tools so you can confidently negotiate repayment terms with creditors.  Small business is often too small for creditors to get any real attention because of what is called an ‘automatic approval and automatic foreclosure’ environment.  The banking world has been established to get money out the door as fast as possible; it isn’t set up that well to handle challenging repayment options, especially on a grand scale such as in an economic downturn. 


So, there will be a paradigm shift insomuch as you will be responsible for taking the lead role in resolving repayment strategies.  You will soon be taking things into your own hands and showing the lenders exactly how and when you will repay your indebtedness.  The bankers will likely respond favorably when both parties negotiate in good faith – it must needs be a win-win proposition. seeks to show you first-hand a new awareness as to where you stand financially, how you look in the eyes of creditors, and give you the tools and context for you to resolve your own repayment challenges. and its contributors offer simple, understandable, and effective guidance, credit standards, and financial tools on how to deal with creditors through recessionary and depression-like times.  For example, using transparent and accurate pro forma cash flow statements with the right submission frequency, small business will be able more effectively negotiate commercial loan work-outs, or modifications of the terms and conditions of his commercial loans. 


Supported by historical financial data and results, the pro forma cash flow statement is one of the most important documents used in negotiating loan repayments.  Seeing your credit relationship through the eyes of your banker will also enable you to speak his language. When both parties can clearly see and understand the prospects of repayment, the likelihood of a successful work-out are increased.


Backed by nearly 40 years’ experience in commercial banking and bank supervision, is a key source of dependable guidance through any season of default and restructuring. 


Since the early 1980’s, NCARA’s founder has been privileged to have worked for and along-side a host of exceptional colleagues and customers in commercial banking (workout loans) and bank regulation and supervision (Examiner).  It is to them that appreciation is expressed.  You know who you are; the list would be too great to show them all.  Thank you, all of you ladies and gentlemen, for nearly a life time of exceptional experiences together, and for giving me, Jerry Staker, a thorough understanding of commercial credit awareness and resolution practices.

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